Sunday, January 23, 2011

Worldwide Sketchcrawl

I knew I'd have a busy day, so I intended to do Worldwide Sketchcrawl #30 "in spirit." Had a good start 8am at the Navy Base but was too busy to sketch the rest of the day. Drove out to Auntie's house (100 miles) where she immediately put me to work. I've also had her computer for 2 months while she was on vacation because her dial up wasn't working. I had updated windows, virus scanner, etc. from my wifi but never had a chance to work on her dial up because I don't have a phone line. Threw up my hands after 2 hours and went to the local McDonalds to download some drivers. Got it working on my netbook, then got it working on her computer. Got home at 10pm.


  1. Your sketches are wonderful lately. Well, always, actually. I chuckled at your art goals for the year. :) Also a guilty laugh at your pen leaking on your jeans. So sounds like me! Nice girl to help out Auntie. Happy New Year and hope you have a good one. Hugs......
