Saturday, August 12, 2023

Mission impossible

Bro came back from camping.  We did go to Santa Barbara.  They didn't want to sightsee, just went there to eat, so I didn't get to sketch Santa Barbara Mission.  So I guess I'll have to go on my own once I've done a little practice from a photo.  The details are proving harder than Mission #1.  His GF has gone back home to grade final exams & prepare for her next semester.  She's a teacher from a long line of teachers.  

The sheds are now moved.  Bro thought it was expensive to move them for something he could have figured out.  But he would have had to buy a bunch of stuff and he would have hurt himself pushing 2000 lbs.  I think it was worth it.  I took measurements to check and asked "could you move it one more inch" to give me margin in case an HOA inspector or city inspector came around with a tape measure.  They did it without complaint.