Wow. I really wish I had a bigger office. My workspace is covered in papers for the past 6 months. I've got 4 to 5 monitors and 2 to 3 computers at any time. If it weren't for all the electronics I would love to start warming my food 20-30 minutes before lunch break. The issue is the steam that the electric lunch box creates during cooking. Steam & electronics don't mix.
I think it's the consistency I like over microwave warmed food. Microwave is unevenly cooked, even though our ovens at work have a rotating disk. Tonight I heated up French Onion Soup. Trader Joe's sells these frozen blocks of soup in vacuum packed plastic bags. Normally you'd put the soup ice cube into a bowl and microwave it until it's warm to your taste, about 10 minutes. I put it in the ELB tonight. By the time my fish & tots were done in the oven (20+ minutes) the soup was done at the same time. Steaming hot, no over boiling, nothing popping or blowing up.
Earlier this week I warmed up the last of the country pork ribs (see a couple posts ago). It did need that extra bit of moisture. ELB made it so good.
Small Scavenger Hunt Sketches
These were all done for the Creative Spark Scavenger Hunt.
an umbrella
something that protects
16 hours ago